Thursday, 17 April 2014

"The Rogues" -DC comic

Hey guys:) 
   Ok so those who know me on a personal level will know that on march 15th myself and a close friend spent the day in London, for the London Super Comic Con in the excel centre, and it was INCREDIBLE (but I'm not writing about that so I'll leave it at that). 
  As we entered into the convention we were given, along with everyone else who went, a goodie bag styled plastic bag containing the usual adverts, flyers, a beer mat advertising a comic book evaluation (ok, so I've never been given a beer mat before but nonetheless it was advertising) and a booklet with the layout and timetable for events etc. Alongside this, within the bag were two free taster comic books an AAM/MARKOSIA "the boy who made silence" (which I'll post a revue on in due course) and a DC comic "the rogues", which is -you guessed it- what this post is about. 
  Now I'm all up of the traditional styled super hero comic books, but I have to admit never really DC. No disrespect intended towards anyone who is a fan of their superheroes (by this I'm categorising superman, wonder woman and the likes) I find them usually too cheesy and child friendly orientated rather then striving for a good story, just my opinion and you can take it or leave it:P. But I have to admit I was pleasantly surprised by "the rogues". Unlike Wonder Woman and Superman, I found the characterisation of the team of Rogues to be more realistic, following the personalities of day to day people. 
 For anyone who hasn't read the comics, "the rogues" is made up of 4 guys and 1 girl: 
Brother and sister Leonard snart and Lisa snart aka captain cold and glider 
Sam scudder aka the mirror master (who by the way is Lisa's partner) 
Mick Rory aka heat wave 
And marco Mardon aka the weather wizard

Basically the story follows a group of thieves -who after several run ins with the flash decided to take drastic steps to give each a super ability using a machine called the Genome Recorder which, predictably back fired on them and had horrible affects - as they break a friend from prison only to discover a "secret" organisation have and interest in them. Do they take up there offer? Well.... I have no idea, I only have the one comic. So I'm left on the cliff hanger as well, until I can find a place that sells them.
  Seriously though, if you have any interest in superheroes or comics, even if you aren't a fan of DC you should really check them out, personally I think it'll be worth your time
Jess xo 

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