Friday, 25 July 2014

London days out!

Good morning guys! 

 So on Wednesday a group of us from college headed to London for the day to see Charlie and the chocolate factory at the theatre royal dury lane -which, by the way was fab- and to do a tour of the BBC studios. Unfortunately the BBC tour was cancelled the week beforehand due to strike action, thus our plans were changed and we ended up doing a musical theatre at the pineapple dance studios instead. 
  The workshop did surprise me, as I didn't really except to enjoy it quite as much (Charlie and the chocolate factory didn't really appeal to me at the time) but it was a lot more fun then I had first imagined it could be. Plus, actually being in the pineapple dance studios was amazing, especially seeing the professionals in for classes, if anything it's given me more drive to strive for a career in the business. 
  Other then a few hours walking around convent gardens the next notable thing we did was actually go to see the musical. Which was pretty good. 
   Personally I'm not really a fan of this type of musical theatre and much prefer the older aimed ones, I.e. Mamma Mia, Chicago, once, we will rock you etc. but I was rather impressed with how well the story was adapted and worked for a musical on stage. And the "pure imagination" scene was just incredible! I don't really want to give too much away but if you haven't seen and are able to, you definetly should! That scene alone worthies a 5 star rating for the musical. 
  Other then that, there isn't much to tell on our day trip and so I'm going to diverge for a little bit and tell you about the next production we're doing.... "Hairspray"! 
   The cast list was posted yesterday and yours truly has been cast as the leading role Tracy Turnblad, so you can expect countless blog posts about rehearsals and costumes and performances between now and February. Until then, 

Jess xo

Thursday, 26 June 2014

Leavers day -full post!

OHello guys, 
  So as most of you know today was our official leavers day and I was quite impressed with how good it was and not crying (I'm a sucker for an emotional speech). I did promise I'd post a lot of the photos taken so here they are: 

(Ok I totally stole this photo from bryony, but how good is this one? It's from of ballon release, which basically involved everyone writing their hopes and dreams on a tag, attaching it to a ballon and letting it go) 

Overall, I had a really good day. And I'm really glad we did. But it isn't the last time we'll be together, there is prom next Friday! Which will probably be the next proper post I'll write (with photos). Until then, 
Jess xo 

Wednesday, 25 June 2014

End of an era

Good morning lovelies, 
  Today is going to be very difficult to get through, because of two things. Firstly, it's our official leavers day and one of the last times we'll all be together. And secondly, it's the birthday of a recently deceased relative and the first signigant thing they won't be around for. I also know it'll be a hard day for my best friend bryony, because it's an anniversary of a bad day for her today. 
  So bru, if you're reading this, I know soppy girly stuff isn't really our thing but chin up beautiful, we'll get through this together, no tears just smiles and laughter, ok? I want to celebrate getting away from these losers, not spend the day focused on the sad bits, because he'd be so proud of you I'm sure, as are we all. 
  Other then that, I don't have much more to say. I'll write a "proper" leavers day post later with photos. For the moment though I probably should get some sleep. 

Jess xo 

Friday, 20 June 2014

Fashion Friday - flannels

Hey guys, 
 It's been ages since I last posted a "fashion Friday" entry, and seeing as how the exam season is almost over (finishing on Monday, woo!) I figured this would be a perfect type of post to do to get back into regular posting. 
 And today's fashion Friday's topic is flannel print shirts, possibly my favourite wardrobe piece for casual outfits, because it looks great regardless of the outfit. Seriously, I've yet to find something it didn't look good with, jeans, skirts and shorts all look so cute paired with the shirt. My favourite way to wear mine infact, especially my blue shirt, is with my black skater skirt, white crop top and black leggings. 

Or for more formal events, I can tuck it in buttoned up as so:

My point is, they're so diverse, the look good with pretty much anything, and if you haven't already got one, I'd definitely advise buying one! 

Jess xo

Sunday, 8 June 2014

Music post -Decade

Hey guys:)
  So for today's post, I thought I'd write about the band Decade, a new band I was recently introduced to by Matt, after he met the guitarists dad whilst the band used their studio. And I was surprised at just how good they actually were. 
  Decade is a 5 piece rock/pop punk band from Bath who not too long ago were kerrangs video of the week. What strikes me most about this band is, for being a lesser known band, they aren't the sort where one particular part of the band is better then the rest -for example vocals- but it's more a case of a balanced talent across the entire band, causing the music to 'fit' together really well. If you haven't heard them yet, you should check out "coffin" or (my personal favourite) "callous" and let me know what you think:) 

Jess xo 

Sunday, 1 June 2014

May summary :)

Hey guys, 
 So as you'll probably know from my last post (if you don't, go read it!) we've been away to Hastings this past week and I didn't get back until Friday, only to spend all day with Matt on the Saturday, so it's been a pretty hectic week off. But it's been really good, despite the bad weather. And I know, I promised photos, but out of the entire time we were there we had one nice day where I could get photos and.... I left my camera in the caravan. Brilliant. So I'll so another photo based post soon. 
  Other then that, it has been a really good time, especially Saturday, which in comparison was a lot more relaxed. I also got a letter through regarding timetables for study leave, which means I only have to be in for a few hours a day each day, (bar Thursday where I don't have to be in at all) starting tomorrow, where I need to be in for two hours in the morning, so that was pretty good news to:). 
Jess xo

Sunday, 25 May 2014


Morning lovelies, 
  After last nights rather rant-y post i though it was probably best to bring the blog to a lighter note:). 
   So today, myself, my mam, brother and a family friend and her children are heading to Hastings caravaning for about 5 days, and I'm actually quite looking forward to it. As much as I'm not that big on people situations and spending as long in a static with 5 other people doesn't enthral me, the area is supposed to be lovely with lots of scenery, so if it is, I'll be sure to take some photos for a post after we come home. 

Jess xo 

Elliot Rodgers "retribution"

Hey guys, 
 Ok, I know I'm supposed to be taking a break from blogging during the exam period but I couldn't not write about this. 
   I'm sure a few of you at least will have heard about the Elliot Rodgers "retribution" attacks in America yesterday, and I can't even begin to say how angry I am about this at the moment. For those of you who don't know what I'm talking about, Elliot Rodgers, a college student at USCB (I think that's the name) posted a video a little while ago talking about his hatred and anger towards girls of the university who wouldn't sleep with him, or show an interest in him. He also mentioned his hatred towards the sexually active men on campus because of basic jealousy as he was a "supreme gentleman" and they didn't deserve the girls. He then goes on to describe how he plans on allienating them all, like the animals they "are" by beginning in one of the sorority houses before moving on to the streets and continuing. The whole tone of the video is basically the idea of entitlement of women to men, and it is very threatening. And yesterday, he carried out the act, killing 2 girls and 4 boys in the process before taking his own life. And at the moment the whole thing is being blamed on underlying mental health issues and as the GIRLS fault. Are you freaking kidding me? 
  I mean, if it was simply down to the video itself then I could probably deal with it being an opinion of a deranged man, but it isn't. What has really angered me/concerned me is the comments appearing on the video and over the likes of twitter by other men. One such comment basically stated that had 'us' girls "just given him some" that none of this would have happened and it was the females fault because we're all "too conceited when it comes to sex". Really? Is this really how men see women still? If it had just been one person then yeah, I'd have easily dismissed it. But the fact that the general gist of the comments follows this pattern is ridiculous. As a women, female, girl however you'd like to phrase it, I am NOT a piece of meat, who is useful for nothing more then sex. That's a ludicrous idea. Likewise, I will never, ever sleep with a man just simply because it is "harsh" and "unfair" to reject him, even if politely, it's bad enough that even now I have to debate with a guy for turning him down. Why? Because I said no, it's as plain as that, I shouldn't need to argue the case to you. 
  From being little I was always told, and still am now, that the way I dress will be some protection to things such as rape which in itself is pretty demeaning because how often is a boy told this? But on top of that, we're now being told it is our fault things like this happen because we aren't liberal with sex, the very same reason girls are tormented for being sluts over if they should do so. Come on people, it's basic logic, we're supposed to have equality. 
   What bugged me most about this was that as soon as I posted my comments about the matter on twitter, several messages came through anonymously on my telling me I was a "self conceited b*tch" because I disagreed with any of the excuses made for Elliot Rodgers being reasonable. My opinion stands at the same. No name calling will change that I'm afraid. 
  But what do you guys think? Is it a one off incident or is this mentality if entitlement quite common?
Jess xo 

Thursday, 22 May 2014


Hey guys! 
  So it feels as though it's been ages since I last post on here, but I've been so busy with exams, I've barely had time to breathe let alone anything else. 
  Today is my final written exam for drama, and to chill out I've been listening to loads of calm songs and a friend of mine suggested the song fade by jakwob and wow. 
  Jakwob is an artist with a sort of drum and bass/dubstep/garage influence. And it's surprisingly really good. I'm personally  not a huge fan of dubstep and drum and bass styled artists, especially if they're heavier on the beat then the vocals, but jakwob isn't like that, the vocals are beautifully done, blended nicely over the bass an rhythm to create a relaxed feel to the track. 

If you haven't heard it before, I'd seriously reccomend listening to it here:) :

Jess xo

Monday, 12 May 2014

Exams and up & coming stuff :)

Hey guys, 
   So tomorrow is officially the start of my exam season *sighs*, and the final 14 exams for my courses. And I'm dreading it. 
  Because of this, my posts will probably half or more over the next months (last exam is July 23rd, thank The Lord!) but I'll try and post as and when I can :). 
  I am really looking forward to stuff as well, such as prom and an exclusive review I've got coming up by an artist called j.p. Kallio! So that'll be fun, I'll *hopefully* post that by this weekend. 
   So to round off a really short post, good luck of you're stuck in exam season and I'll see you on the other side, but for now I should get back to biology revision. 
Jess xo

Tuesday, 6 May 2014

Perks of being a wall flower review!

Hey guys,
  The films sort of old now, so a review of it may seem a bit out of the loop, but in all fairness I didn't see it until yesterday when (as Katie and bryony proudly put it) I lost my perks virginity. 
 I must admit, when Katie mentioned it, I was a little skeptical- her taste in story lines isn't so great, I mean she like tfios;)- but I was more then pleantly surprised.
  Not only does it have a pretty cool soundtrack (it has David Bowie on it!) but the story line is heart wrenching and done to some amazing acting, a real credit to the actors. And the ending very nearly had me in tears (nearly Katie! You didn't quite win that one). It's tied together beautifully by the relatable characters and as an audience, it is very easy to fall in love with them and their problems. 
  To anyone who hasn't actually seen the film yet, on the off chance, go watch it! You won't regret it. 
Jess xo 

Saturday, 3 May 2014

Friday fashion post (opps!)

So I'm a clutz and didn't realise this was saved to my drafts rather then having been published .-. But, better late then never, fashion Friday post...
 Hey guys! 
  Ok, a I'm sure most you will have seen, in January royals singer Lorde performed at the Grammys and caused a bit of a stir because of her less then perfected nail art.
It was all over facebook and twitter and tumblr for weeks afterwards and although I have to agree I thought her nails were really strange looking and I couldn't place why they looked familiar. But then I realised, they're frost bitten nails. 
  For those of you who have never seen or heard of frost bitten nails, the idea behind it is to make your fingertips resemble that of someone with frost bite using black nail polish around the nail about an inch in to the skin and originates from a gothic/grunge culture. 
  Personally, I quite like them. They're stress-less because you won't have to worry about cleaning up after you're manicure ;) and it's different! I think given the right person and the right context (a grunge fanfic at a party/ gig as opposed to an office worker on the day to day) they work really well. 
Jess xo 

Saturday sunshine <3

Good morning gorgeous!
 So it's Saturday, the sun is shining and I'm having a lazyish Saturday. I say laszyish, I'm spending the day dragging my backside through revision for the up and coming exams next week *sighs*.     
 On a plus note, I am spending tomorrow day/night with my bestfriend having a sherlock-a-thon running through the complete box set from series 1: a study in pink to series 3: his last vow. And then on the bank holiday Monday, me and the gang are having a movie day at bryony's and just generally relaxing before the madness of exams.
 Really we're all supposed to be at a full day of revision at school but that's a different story. 
   So I just wanted to see how all of you were and what you're plans are for the weekends? 
Jess xo 

Sunday, 27 April 2014

Catch up post

Hi guys:) 
  I haven't posted for two days now due to not actually being home. You see, yesterday was a friends 18th birthday so I've been round there since midday yesterday :). It was really good, i mean to start with, I didn't really know many of the people going other then really his girlfriend but by the end of last night it was if we'd all known each other for years now. Everyone was so welcoming even though I'd technically be the 'baby' of the group (I'm a year younger then the majority that were there). 
   It wasn't really a party per say, more of a social gathering instance because there was really only a few people there. But personally, I think that's so much better then huge parties where you know no-one and end up losing your friends mid way through the night. Then again, I'm not as sociable as that. 
  The photo I've included at the top is a gift Lauren (his girlfriend) brought me back from the Boyce avenue tour when they were playing in Bristol, because I had to miss the concert as everyone else dropped out on me:(. But even so, I've fallen in love and it's on the verge of replacing my comic book wristbands. So basically, what I'm trying to tell you guys is that I'm hugely anti social but small social gatherings are really cool to me and if you ever want to win me over, band merch is the way to do it.
Jess xo

Friday, 25 April 2014

Fashions on Friday

Hello guys:) 
It's that time of the week again for a fashion post. And this week I wanted to write about my ultimate summer outfit pieces, skater skirts. 
   I absolutely love skater skirts, I own about 8 in different colours and materials. Why do I love them? Well it's simple, they're so adaptable for different occasions and styles. 
   Found this on Google and thought it demonstrated my point perfectly, drawings are not mine. 

I even wear my in winter with leggings and jumpers. Definitely not a piece of my wardrobe I'll be replacing anytime soon. 

Jess xo 

Thursday, 24 April 2014

The little princess trust & me

Hello lovelies, 
  Today post I about an amazing trust and project I will be taking part in on the 20th of September: the little princess trust. 
 What is it? Well the little princess trust is a charity which uses real hair to make wigs for girls and boys who have lost their hair  -usually through cancer treatments, but alapecia as well- across the uk. They accept donations regularly of a minimum of 7 inches from ordinary people and even some famous faces (Jessie J's hair was donated after she shaved her hair) and that's where I come in. Myself and 4 other girls will be donating hair to the cause on the 20th September, 2 of which are actually shaving their heads completely. I decided to donate hair to the cause because it's something I'm really passionate about. After losing my grandad to cancer in october, my grandma was diagnosed as terminally ill with cervical cancer. It was devasting for the entire family, especially my mam, who's best friend is also terminally ill due to ovarian cancer. Having seen how hard it was for both women to lose their hair it made me realise how hard it must be for anyone of any age to go through, hence my deduction to try and find a way to get involved, which led to meeting Nicola Pearce, one of the women shaving her head. 
  My hair is about 25 inches and reaches my waist, so 7 inches will take my hair to about 18inches just below my shoulders. 
Mine isn't the longest however, as most of the girls hair comes to about waist or hip length so the cut will be a huge change to us. So because of this together we have collectively created a just giving page so that any sponsor money raised on this page could go to cancer research as well ( thus helping two charities at once). It really is a good cause and we're hoping people can see how much these means to is in order to sponsor us :) 
 So anyone who feels generous enough to sponsor us any amount would be gratefully appreciated! The page is 

Again any support or donations you can make a greatfully accepted and would be a huge support!
Jess xo 

Tuesday, 22 April 2014

TMI tag?

Hi guys:) 
So it has been suggested to me by a friend of mine that I try the tmi tag? I don't know, thought it would be different from the norm so.... 

1) what are you wearing right now? 
 A light cream jumper (from topshop) and a pair of black skinny jeans (from h&m) and my bazinga band from Comic con, but I usually wear that so it doesn't really count. 

2) have you ever been in love? 
Yeah, I'd say so. It was a little while ago now and I still see him from time to time. 

3) have you ever had a terrible break up? 
Yes, last November actually. It was horrendous and so upsetting because it did involve a lot of arguments

4) how tall are you? 
5 ft 9 inches, well about that the last time I checked. I hate being the 'tall' friend

5) how much do you weigh? 
I really hate these sorts of questions because they are literally designed to cause discomfort. But 9 stone 5lbs none the less

6) do you have any tattoos? 
No, not yet! But I do really want two small white ink ones and a dream catcher memorial one in future :) 

7) do you have any piercings?
Yeah, I have my lobes pierced, my belly button and currently one forward helix piercing, though I'm getting two more added to my forward helix and my inverse navel done (that's the bottom of the belly button) 

8) what is your OTP? 
I'm not really sure. I tend to avoid passing critique on other peoples relationships as it has very little to do with me. But if I had to do one it would probably be my friend Kieran and his girlfriend Lauren because they are just so cute :) 

9) what is your favourite show? 
Hmm, this is a tough one. Probably sherlock (the BBC one with benedict cumberbatch) or how I met your mother or Big Bang theory

10) what are your favourite bands? 
Arctic monkeys, you me at six, tonight alive, Boyce avenue, two door cinema club, Vance joy, imagine dragons, fall put boy and all though he isn't really a band, Feank turner is like my all time favourite artist

11) what is somehow you miss?
My grandad and Melanie, a friend of mine who lost her battle with anorexia two years ago, I honestly can't get over not having them here even now 

12) what is your favourite song?
Frank Turner: "plain sailing weather" or "tell tale signs" the former because it's sort of a Light hearted jest at those relationships you just can't make work and the latter because it's an issue very close to my heart

13) what's your zodiac sign? 

14) what is a quality you look for in a partner? 
Hmm , good sense of humour, intelligent, just fun to be around really, preferably not shorter then me 

15) what is your favourite quote? 
Probably "oh what webs that we do weave when we do practice to deceive" or from Alice in wonderland "I can't go back to yesterday because I was a different person then" 

16) who's your favourite actor? 
Johnny depp, benedict cumberbatch or meryl Streep

17) loud music or soft?
Dependant on my mood, likely loud

18) where do you go when you're sad? 
There's a forest walk near my house that I go to or to my bedroom with headphones

19) how long does it take you to get dressed in the morning? 
On a weekend? Half an hourish 
On a school day? About an hour and a half -.- 

20) how long does it take you to shower? 
About 15 minutes. Plus the hour sat around "getting dressed" 

21) ever been in a physical fight? 
Once, she started it 

22) turn off? 
A liar, cheat or arrogance

23) do you have any fears?
Losing loved ones or failure

24) last thing that made you cry? 
Leaving my home town last week after visiting everyone. I miss the people, not the place

25) when did you last say you loved someone?
Last night before going to bed to my mam:') 

26) meaning behind your blog name? 
At the college I go to I'm not exactly known well enough for people to remember my surname (shocker;)) so on a few occasions I've been referred to as 'that jess girl' and this is my blog, hence 'that jess girls blog' 

27) last book you read?
The water babies by Charles Kingsley 

28) book you're currently reading? 
Stephen king "cell" 

29) last show you watched? 
Rules of engagement 

30) last person you talked to? 
Anthony, on the bus home

31) relationship between you and the last person you text? 
My friend Lauren 

32) favourite food? 
Spaghetti Bolognese or southern fried chicken, anndd now I'm hungry -.- 

33) place you'd like to visit? 
New York, Rome, Florence, Athens and Mexico 

34) last country you were in? 
Technically? Scotland:) 

35) do you have a crush? 
Not really.... Besides I'd never publish it for everyone to see even if I did;) 

36) favourite flavour candy? 
Raspberry, blueberry or cola

37) what instruments can you play? 
Tenor saxophone, piano, little bit of guitar 

38) favourite piece of jewellery? 
My pandora bracelet or my locket from my grandparents 

39) last sport you played? 
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha... Wait...? You were being serious? 

40) last song you sung? 
This is war by 30 seconds to mars 

41) last time you hung out with someone? 
Friday, spent the morning in the walk in centre with Kieran whilst he got his wrist checked out -.- then went to see the amazing Spider-Man 2 :') 

42) who do you tag to do the tmi tag? 
Anyone who fancies it :') 

Monday, 21 April 2014

Can straight, opposite genders be just friends?

Hey guys, 
Apologies for the lack of posts recently, it's been crazy busy, but I'm back! 
  So on Friday myself and a friend went to see The Amazing Spider-Man 2 and it was far better then any other Spider-Man film I've seen, period (I'll be writing a review of it soon so look out for it). But since going to see the film, it's raised the age old question: can boys and girls (who are 'straight') be just friends? Again. 
  Yes, the person I was at the cinema with on Friday was male. Yes, he is in a relationship with a girl I know, and have come to know quite well lately. No that doesn't make us hanging out together sinister! 
  Honestly, this whole argument really, really bugs me. Seriously? Because we're both heterosexual and spend time together of course, we obviously have something going on. Obviously. 
   I mean, why is it I can spend time with a female friend in public and it be ok? How would you know I'm not secretly in love with her? Come on guys, this is supposed to be an 'accepting' generation and yet we cause speculation over a movie with the opposite sex. 
  So what do you think? Can close friends be opposite genders?
Jess xo

Thursday, 17 April 2014

"The Rogues" -DC comic

Hey guys:) 
   Ok so those who know me on a personal level will know that on march 15th myself and a close friend spent the day in London, for the London Super Comic Con in the excel centre, and it was INCREDIBLE (but I'm not writing about that so I'll leave it at that). 
  As we entered into the convention we were given, along with everyone else who went, a goodie bag styled plastic bag containing the usual adverts, flyers, a beer mat advertising a comic book evaluation (ok, so I've never been given a beer mat before but nonetheless it was advertising) and a booklet with the layout and timetable for events etc. Alongside this, within the bag were two free taster comic books an AAM/MARKOSIA "the boy who made silence" (which I'll post a revue on in due course) and a DC comic "the rogues", which is -you guessed it- what this post is about. 
  Now I'm all up of the traditional styled super hero comic books, but I have to admit never really DC. No disrespect intended towards anyone who is a fan of their superheroes (by this I'm categorising superman, wonder woman and the likes) I find them usually too cheesy and child friendly orientated rather then striving for a good story, just my opinion and you can take it or leave it:P. But I have to admit I was pleasantly surprised by "the rogues". Unlike Wonder Woman and Superman, I found the characterisation of the team of Rogues to be more realistic, following the personalities of day to day people. 
 For anyone who hasn't read the comics, "the rogues" is made up of 4 guys and 1 girl: 
Brother and sister Leonard snart and Lisa snart aka captain cold and glider 
Sam scudder aka the mirror master (who by the way is Lisa's partner) 
Mick Rory aka heat wave 
And marco Mardon aka the weather wizard

Basically the story follows a group of thieves -who after several run ins with the flash decided to take drastic steps to give each a super ability using a machine called the Genome Recorder which, predictably back fired on them and had horrible affects - as they break a friend from prison only to discover a "secret" organisation have and interest in them. Do they take up there offer? Well.... I have no idea, I only have the one comic. So I'm left on the cliff hanger as well, until I can find a place that sells them.
  Seriously though, if you have any interest in superheroes or comics, even if you aren't a fan of DC you should really check them out, personally I think it'll be worth your time
Jess xo 

Wednesday, 16 April 2014

Music review- indie anthems

Good morning guys:) 
So I'm on a 8 hour car journey back down south today and decided I should write about a new CD I bought yesterday. 
Basically the CD is called "greatest ever! Indie Anthems: the definitive collection" really cheesy, right? Well usually I'd avoid these sort of things like the plague because 95% of the time they are the biggest bull you'll ever have heard. But I made an exception yesterday- mainly because I couldn't deal with another 8 hours of Justin Bieber, the vamps and those sort- and give it a chance (it was that or stereophonics "Graffiti on the train" but I have the vinyl so...). Plus 3 CDs for five pound? Can't really complain, even if majority were really bad. 
   But I'm actually quite impressed. The CDs include a huge variety of "indie" music, from the obvious The Killers, The Kaiser Chiefs and Stereophonics to the less well known (such as Madness and LCD sound system). And it's actually quite a good collection of songs even if they are a little older now. If you're into the indie genre then I'd reccomend checking it out:) 
Jess xo 

Monday, 14 April 2014

Summerish post.

Hello lovelies:) 
So Saturday evening myself and the family decided we'd take the dogs to the beach for a walk, and considering we're in the north east of England and it's still April, that's very brave. Or stupid. 
  But because it was the first time for either of the dogs and the dog ban doesn't come into effect until may 1st we decided to do it anyways and I just wanted share some if the photos taken during our walk:) 

Jess xo 

Sunday, 13 April 2014

Cruise Fest North East Easter meet

Hello again:) 
So I haven't really been keeping up with daily posts at the moment, mainly because nothing interesting has actually happened for me to write about. But last night, I did something I don't normally do and is a 3 times a year (at most) activity, I went along with my uncle and brothers to the Easter Cruise Fest North East meet up. Technically "cruise" but I don't drive so I didn't do any cruising myself;P. 
  Basically Cruise Fest North East is a UK based cruise team owned by my uncle for car enthusiasts to meet each other and basically be social. 3 times a year the do HUGE meets for people not nessecarily part of the sites group to come along, meet people and show off renovations they have to their cars, my uncle is always renovating his cars for such things. They also do a lot of fundraising for cancer research uk during these events and others they hold during the year. 
   And usually these events are quite big, about 200 cars come along, that's not counting the number of people in each car. But last nights pushed it bigger then ever before, with well over 500 cars -we don't actually count the number of cars but the car parking space rented held 500 cars and still a few hundred ended up either parked on the grass or having to leave due to a lack of space- and a lot of money was raised for the charity, which I'm quite proud of everyone for. 
That photo only covered the rented area at the top end, so there was quite a bit left out of the photo. 
    And although I'm a little biased, I have to say the events are incredible, 100% legally done with no messing around or law breaking most people associate with cruise companies. If you're from the UK (or anywhere in fact) I'd definitely reccomend checking out the facebook account and website because it really is amazing. And if you're from the north east or even near it, I'd definitely reccomend coming along! 
Facebook account; Cruise Fest North East 
Jess xo 

Friday, 11 April 2014

Fashion Friday- metallic

Hey guys!
Alright-y, so recently I'm sure you'll have noticed or seen that metallic skirts, tops and dresses are on the rise in trend. Which is brilliant, if you're stick thin, but not so flattering if you're even slightly bigger then a perfectly flat stomach build and personally I'm not sold on them. 
Asos: £89.99

Personally, I think for the cost of them they actually look quite cheap and more trashy then classy, not something I favour. 
Jess xo

Sunday, 6 April 2014

Fashion Friday; a day late!

  This week has been hectic so I didn't have enough time to write a post yesterday so here it is: 
Have any of you seen these new cut out boots that are appearing everywhere? I think I've found my new favourite spring summer item!
  I first really saw and heard about these when a girl in the year above me bought a pair and I have to admit, even I thought they were really weird. But they've grown on me and I'm so so glad that more shops have started selling them, I have a feeling they might replace my dolly shoes for this summer:) 
So what do you think? 
Jess xo

Sunday, 30 March 2014

Happy Mother's Day!

Good morning:)
  The weather is so lovely once again, words can't begin to tell you how glad I am that summers on the way finally! I've never been much of a winter person personally and summer is definitely my favourite season. 
   What makes today more special is the fact that it's Mother's Day so I'll be spending the entire day with my gorgeous mother, so I wanted to not only dedicate this post to my wonderful mother but also anyone who is unable to see their mum for one reason or another today, my thoughts are with you <3 but I really hope you enjoy your day either way! 
Jess xo

Saturday, 29 March 2014

Summer and Saturdays! Captain America and the winter solider

Hello again! 
Ok so today was absolutely gorgeous weather wise, even to the extent that I dug out my comic book dress. Definitely a good day. 
   So what did I do on such a gorgeous, sunny day? I spent mine in a cinema, in the dark. And it was amazing.
   I went to see Captain America: the winter soldier with a group of friends and I have to say it was beyond what I have ever imagined. Being a HUGE marvel and comic book fan, I'm quite juvious when production companies release a film based on a comic book character because to me, it could literally ruin an entire series for me. 
   But with the Captain America movies (so far) I've been quite impressed. They are one of the few movies that stay true to the original character portrayal without mocking or making it uber cheesie, and the Winter Solider is no exception. The cation is fast paced and high intensity. The lines sharp, witty and clever written and the special effects superb. Possibly my favourite Superhero movie ever. Definitely worth a see. 
Well that's it for today lovelies, I'd love to know your opinion if you've seen it yet. 
Jess xo

Thursday, 27 March 2014

*another* music post!

Hey there, 
  So I just had to write about two new artists I'm becoming sort of fond of. Recommend by a friend of mine who's actually been a fan of both artists for a while, I downloaded a few of Ben Marwood and Jim Lockey & the solemn sun's songs and I have to say I'm really warming up to them. Both fuse a country/folk style with inspirations from punk rock and contain a lot of acoustic guitar accompaniments. 
    Two favourites of mine would have to be "under lock and key" by Ben Marwood and "our fathers" by Jim Lockey & the Solemn Sun. 
  Both definitely deserve a lot more recognition then they have had so far and I would well reccomend anyone:) 
I'd love to know what you thought of then if you've only recently listened to them or if you've been a fan for a while. 
Well that's about all, 
Jess xo 

Tuesday, 25 March 2014


Hello again! So I didn't really have anything specific that I wanted to blog about today so instead I thought I'd recap on the last musical I did....Grease! From October through to February I spent countless hours singing, dancing and perfecting an American accent for rizzo. Though there was a lot of stressing out and shouting, a lot of tears and tantrums there was also a lot of laughter and good memories made along the way. I honestly grew to love the rest of our pink ladies and t birds and members of the chorus. I wish nothing but the best from them on their different life paths and can't wait to do another show with the remainder next year! 
Jess xo

Sunday, 23 March 2014

Music on Mondays!

Hello again! 
So this post is,yet again, a music post. But I wanted today's to be very different from yesterday's by giving my review of one of my favourite albums: Tape Deck Heart by Frank Turner. 
  Ok so the albums like a year old? But it's one of those that I don't think will eve lose relevance to me personally, hence why it's still one of my favourites and why I wanted to bring it up. Now I know a few frank turner fans who aren't really that fond of tape deck heart for a few reasons; whether that's because they feel the likes of Recovery are too 'synthetic' sounding or because they don't like the heavier issues and lyrics of 'Broken Piano' and 'Tell Tale signs'. 

For those of you who might not have have heard the album before the album includes; 
Losing days 
The way I tend to be 
Plain sailing weather 
Good and gone 
Tell tale signs 
Four simple words 
Polaroid picture 
The fisher king blues
Oh brother 
Broken piano 

The deluxe album (the one I have) also includes the tracks:
We shall not overcome 
Wherefore art thou gene Simmons 
Undeveloped films 
Time machine 
Cowboy chords

So admittedly you could argue that tape deck heart is a lot different from the likes of 'love ire and song' and 'England keep my bones', and I'd have to agree, there is  a difference between the two. But isn't that the idea? To keep growing as an artist? Personally I loved tape deck heart just for the openess and vulnerability behind some of the heavier songs on the album, particularly 'Tell Tale Signs'. The song itself is beautiful only added to by the vulnerability of the lyrics. If you haven't heard it before I'd definitely recommend it, in fact I'd recommend the whole album and I'd love to know what you thought of it. 
Well that's about it, 
 Jess xo 

Craft divert

Hi again! 
   So I'm going to partially divert off of the usual topics of the blog today for more craft based post. 
  As some of you may know we have prom coming up (and I'm so stereotypically excited) since my dress is big and floor length I wasn't really looking forward to spending a full night wearing uncomfortably high high heels when you wouldn't really notice them (plus seeing as how 5 ft 9 inches tall they are totally unneeded) so I decided to get a pair of black converses customised in diamontes for the night time and wear heels for photos. Not wanting to spend too much money on them I decided to re-vamp some old heels and with the help of my lovely mother I've finished up with the above photo^. Taking into account they started off as plain beige shoes I'm pretty proud of how they turned out! 
   Incase anyone was wondering how we did them all we used were; 
- old unused shoes
- mod podge gloss (bought from hobby craft, also available online) 
- black nail glitter (yes nail, extra fine works best) 
- and finally, some clear rhinestones bought from ebay 
It's really simple and there's quite a few tutorials online you should try! 
Well that's about all, I'd love to know what you think about them:) 

Jess xo

Fashion Fridays

Well hello there! So I've decided I'm going to do a fashion post every Friday of something different each time:) 
  So this weeks theme is budgets, something that can be a real pain as a student. I mean it's fine after payday or holidays and birthdays to splurge on some really cute stuff but I really hate those in between periods where you have something coming up, want something new but just haven't got the money. Which is why I love to find some cheap clothes that don't look cheap, you know? 
So these three dresses are my latest bargains, all together costing me just £8! Originally they should have cost me about £47 if I'd bought them at full price and the best part of it? They look good on, are good quality and aren't even second hand (surprisingly for the price). 

My cream and navy dress actually was a little bit more expensive at £15, but still a really good price for how much I love this dress. It's so simple yet elegant and is diverse enough to wear at all sorts of events. I really do love it for all formal and some informal occasions. 
Jess xo

Summer music

Two posts just after one another, I know. But I figured I may as well write this one whilst I was thinking about it. :) 

So as the weathers gotten warmer I've noticed I've started to subconsciously change the albums and song I'm listening to. At the moment I'm a little obsessed with Vance Joy - riptide, just because it gives everything that summery feel good factor, you know? 
   But I have to admit another *returning* summer favourite of mine is definitely Frank Turners 'Waterloo sunset'. Definitely gives summer a positive effect. I mean, I'm probably a little biased, but I don't think I've ever felt better then last summer being surrounded by friends in convent gardens just before sunset. London is definitely one of my favourite places to be. 
 Well that's about all for now. Do you have an automatic summer playlist that brings back memories? I seriously doubt that I could really be the only one! 
  Jess xo 

Hi there:)

Well, this is sort of a new thing for me so I suppose I should start somewhere:) 

My name is Jess. I'm an aspiring actress from England who started this blog admittedly because Twitter became boring ;P. 

I don't really have a set theme for the blog though most of the posts will likely be about music, clothing/fashion and films and the theatre. 
So that about it really, 
 Jess xo