Thursday, 26 June 2014

Leavers day -full post!

OHello guys, 
  So as most of you know today was our official leavers day and I was quite impressed with how good it was and not crying (I'm a sucker for an emotional speech). I did promise I'd post a lot of the photos taken so here they are: 

(Ok I totally stole this photo from bryony, but how good is this one? It's from of ballon release, which basically involved everyone writing their hopes and dreams on a tag, attaching it to a ballon and letting it go) 

Overall, I had a really good day. And I'm really glad we did. But it isn't the last time we'll be together, there is prom next Friday! Which will probably be the next proper post I'll write (with photos). Until then, 
Jess xo 

Wednesday, 25 June 2014

End of an era

Good morning lovelies, 
  Today is going to be very difficult to get through, because of two things. Firstly, it's our official leavers day and one of the last times we'll all be together. And secondly, it's the birthday of a recently deceased relative and the first signigant thing they won't be around for. I also know it'll be a hard day for my best friend bryony, because it's an anniversary of a bad day for her today. 
  So bru, if you're reading this, I know soppy girly stuff isn't really our thing but chin up beautiful, we'll get through this together, no tears just smiles and laughter, ok? I want to celebrate getting away from these losers, not spend the day focused on the sad bits, because he'd be so proud of you I'm sure, as are we all. 
  Other then that, I don't have much more to say. I'll write a "proper" leavers day post later with photos. For the moment though I probably should get some sleep. 

Jess xo 

Friday, 20 June 2014

Fashion Friday - flannels

Hey guys, 
 It's been ages since I last posted a "fashion Friday" entry, and seeing as how the exam season is almost over (finishing on Monday, woo!) I figured this would be a perfect type of post to do to get back into regular posting. 
 And today's fashion Friday's topic is flannel print shirts, possibly my favourite wardrobe piece for casual outfits, because it looks great regardless of the outfit. Seriously, I've yet to find something it didn't look good with, jeans, skirts and shorts all look so cute paired with the shirt. My favourite way to wear mine infact, especially my blue shirt, is with my black skater skirt, white crop top and black leggings. 

Or for more formal events, I can tuck it in buttoned up as so:

My point is, they're so diverse, the look good with pretty much anything, and if you haven't already got one, I'd definitely advise buying one! 

Jess xo

Sunday, 8 June 2014

Music post -Decade

Hey guys:)
  So for today's post, I thought I'd write about the band Decade, a new band I was recently introduced to by Matt, after he met the guitarists dad whilst the band used their studio. And I was surprised at just how good they actually were. 
  Decade is a 5 piece rock/pop punk band from Bath who not too long ago were kerrangs video of the week. What strikes me most about this band is, for being a lesser known band, they aren't the sort where one particular part of the band is better then the rest -for example vocals- but it's more a case of a balanced talent across the entire band, causing the music to 'fit' together really well. If you haven't heard them yet, you should check out "coffin" or (my personal favourite) "callous" and let me know what you think:) 

Jess xo 

Sunday, 1 June 2014

May summary :)

Hey guys, 
 So as you'll probably know from my last post (if you don't, go read it!) we've been away to Hastings this past week and I didn't get back until Friday, only to spend all day with Matt on the Saturday, so it's been a pretty hectic week off. But it's been really good, despite the bad weather. And I know, I promised photos, but out of the entire time we were there we had one nice day where I could get photos and.... I left my camera in the caravan. Brilliant. So I'll so another photo based post soon. 
  Other then that, it has been a really good time, especially Saturday, which in comparison was a lot more relaxed. I also got a letter through regarding timetables for study leave, which means I only have to be in for a few hours a day each day, (bar Thursday where I don't have to be in at all) starting tomorrow, where I need to be in for two hours in the morning, so that was pretty good news to:). 
Jess xo